Through a process of relaxation and regression techniques, you can have the opportunity to discover extraordinary details about your past and release old phobias and fears from prior lifetimes.

Through a process of relaxation and regression techniques, you can have the opportunity to discover extraordinary details about your past and release old phobias and fears from prior lifetimes. Hidden in your subconscious and soul memory are roots of our natural strengths, talents but also live the memory of our fears and apprehensions.  These fears were due to any traumatic life experiences or past conditioning upbringing.  Going to the root of the lesson will allow access for you to free this limitation that you have been experiencing presently.

Trained by world renowned, Dr. Brian Weiss, I will lead you to a sacred place that will allow you to relax, heal, and uncover any past memory that you are ready for.  I was blessed almost 20 years ago to have met Dr. Weiss and had my own personal experience uncovered and healed.   Because of him, I am eternally grateful and on my life path’s journey.  Since then, I have trained and practiced regression therapy with hundreds of clients and each could attest that the healing that occurs is extraordinary.  Some people fear regression because they think it will uncover something that they are not ready for.  Spirit/Soul will not allow that.  Healing begins when you give permission to let go of what no longer serves you and this method is a graceful one.

During the guided healing regression, you will have an opportunity to:

  • Learn about your past lives and who you are
  • Find out your purpose in life
  • Resolve emotional and health issues
  • Receive guidance when making important decisions
  • Understand and heal the relationships with your family and friends
  • Understand about your soul mates
  • Healing pain from past trauma
  • Overcoming fears and anxiety
  • Developing a new awareness of your abilities and natural strengths
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges in your life
  • Creating positive thoughts that benefit your health
    This awe-inspiring course focuses on mindfulness and emotional intelligence.
    Are you a Health Care or Wellness Facility looking to incorporate Mindfulness Workshops for your staff?
    This is the program that inspired thousands at Stanford Business School