Crystal Healing Summit

1024 324 NAMASTE with LOVE

Did you know that the healing power of crystals can balance and clear out obstacles in your physical and mental body?


Do you desire to create an abundant and healthy mindset and home?


Have you always been fascinated by which crystals are best for your own personal growth, whether it be for love, relationships, healing, abundance, peace, etc?


If so, join me for an entire day of crystals, clearing, grids, healing, attracting abundance, love and so much MORE!!

Crystal therapy is a gentle method of healing which harmonizes the mind, body, emotions and spirit.  When used properly you can clear out negativity, learn how to protect yourself, your home and learn how to attract positive vibes.

You will learn:

  • How to properly choose and work with your own specific crystal(s).
  • Various methods of clearing, programming, and activating the powerful energy.
  • Basic grid work for opening the energetic pathways within the body to allow healthy energy to flow freely.
  • How to construct a grid for healing yourself and others.
  • Master the properties of a pertinent crystal healing set in which you will be able to balance your energy field immediately
  • Learn how to use a pendulum to assess your own personal energy field in your sacred space 


Date:  Saturday, June 6th

Time – 10 AM – 4PM EST – 

Please feel free to have snacks, light food and water during the duration of the class


10- 11:30 am – 

Opening Meditation

Crystal Formation

Our Energetic Body

Healing Crystals

11:30- 11:45 am Break
11:45-Noon – Attuning and Grounding

Choosing which crystal is right for you

Purification Process

Programming and Attuning Exercises

Chakras, Aura and Crystal Healing

Protecting and raising the vibes in your environment

1:45-2pm  Break
2-2:15 – Group Healing

Pendulum attunement

Crystal Grid(s) for your Home

Grids for Healing, Clearing, Love, Abundance and More

Body Healing Grid Work

3:30 – 4pm  Closing Ceremony and Q&A

Log-In Zoom 

Register NOW to get this entire program for $149 (until May 30th)

After May 30th – $222

If you can’t attend live  – don’t worry, this course will be recorded and you will have access to it whenever you like!